As a political scientist I have been teaching and researching at the University of Applied Labour Studies in Mannheim and Schwerin, Germany, since 2001. This university was founded by the German Federal Employment Agency to academically train future professionals for vocational and labour market counselling and integration.

 My subjects in teaching are:

  • Counselling as cooperative and solution-oriented communication
  • Social structures and ethical aspects in counselling
  • Knowledge of the wide range of educational and occupational options
  • Labour market policy
  • Labour market statistics
  • Scientific propaedeutics


Focus of my research:

  • Specific topics and challenges in settings of vocational and career counselling given to clients from immigrant background
  • Academic curricula for the training of future vocational and career counsellors for refugees
  • Expert knowledge for vocational and career counsellors
  • Critical labour market statistics aimed to analyse job-related labour market oppurtunities


Before taking up the coordination of CMinaR, a project of six European countries, my professional activities have all taken place in Germany. That is why most of my publications have been written in German language only. You´ll find several English publications around CMinaR and its subject: the training of career counsellors for their work with refugees, among my list of publications using the button „Publikationen“., though.

 If you have any questions don´t hesitate to contact me via the form you get by the button „Kontakt“.